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Lostpedia.com Named #3 Fansite by EW

The most recent issue of EW has a special supplement naming the top fansites on the web. The No. 3 fansite according to EW and their pick for Best LOST Fansite is Lostpedia.com. Lostpedia is truly an amazing site for any piece of LOST information you need to find.

The Admins of the site are on top of their game and I use the site frequently to double check my info. I am actually a member of the site, but I rarely post anything because by the time I even think of posting something it is already posted.

So congratulations to the team at Lostpedia for getting the nod as the Best LOST Fansite and making a LOST site one of the top 3 fansites on the net...!!

Here is the scan of the article:

(Click to Enlarge)