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ODI LOST Podcast 8 - Recap of 4x07 and Preview of 4x08

Hey All,
Thanks for coming back for the new ODI LOST Podcast this week.

I know this past week we had a bunch of new listeners from Lostzilla and of course our friend DarkUFO, so Ron and I wanted to thank you all for listening and for coming back again. Plus, any new listeners thanks for checking us out and you can click on the link below to find all of our previous podcasts.

This week of course featured some key moments and surprises including the reveal of a Hybrid Flash-Back/Forward with Sun and Jin with Sun and Hurley ending the FF at Jin's tombstone. Also last week's episode featured the return of Harrold Perrineau as Michael aka Kevin Johnson to the cast.

We discuss all of the key moments and also provide you with an update on the LOST Season 4 schedule. Plus, we have a review for episode 4x08 with spoilers for this week and beyond.

NOTE: The LOST Spoilers start at the end of Clip 3 (last minute), but don't worry we warn you so feel free to listen to the podcast and just press stop when we warn you.

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ODI LOST Podcast 8-1
ODI LOST Podcast 8-2
ODI LOST Podcast 8-3 (Preview of 4x08 Begins at the end of this clip)
ODI LOST Podcast 8-4 (Preview/Spoilers for Epi 4x08 and Beyond)