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ODI LOST Podcast 9 - 4x08 Recap and 4x09 Preview

Hey Losties,
How are you all doing? How is the hiatus so far!? I know today is supposed to be LOST day, but with hiatus we are not going to get a new episode until April 24th, but at least we have the new podcast ready for you all.

Once again, thanks to all of our listeners every where for coming back again and thanks to any of you new listeners from DarkUFO, Lostzilla, MySpace, and Lost-Forum.

Well this week we provide you with our thoughts about LOST Episode 4x08 Meet Kevin Johnson Michael (Harrold Perrineau) Centric episode.

We provide you with a little recap along with some of our theories about Michael off-island and then being recruited by Mr. Friendly (Tom) to infiltrate Widmore's freighter. Additionally we do give you our thoughts about the shocking ending with Karl and Rousseau getting shot by the mystery snipers.

Like our previous podcasts at the end of it we provide the spoiler lovers with a little preview of episode 4x09 and a few of the other upcoming episodes. Don't worry we give you plenty of warning to stop. So if you like to be spoiler-free you will be ok as long as you stop listening when we warn you.

NOTE: The spoilers begin at the very end of Clip 3 and we discuss Episode 4x09 and beyond in Clip 4.

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ODI LOST Podcast 9-1
ODI LOST Podcast 9-2
ODI LOST Podcast 9-3
ODI LOST Podcast 9-4 (Spoilers)