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ODI LOST Podcast - Your Questions Wanted

Hey There Losties,
So we are a little over two weeks into our little mini hiatus for Season 4 of LOST and I know some of you are dying for some LOST news or info.

Of course the spoiler lovers have been able to keep themselves a little busy with several of the set reports, casting calls and other spoilers that we have posted, but you spoiler-free fans have been waiting patiently for any thing.

I know many of you have listened to our weekly podcast and we really appreciate you all for checking it out and coming back every week. Now we have promised to do a couple of more here before episode 4x09, but we want to change it up just a little since there is no new episode to review.

So what we want to do is get questions from all of you listeners and fans out there and then do a Q&A type podcast!! What type of questions?? Well basically any question really. If you have any questions about LOST or about us, funny or serious, then please post it here and we will compile a list and answer them to the best of our knowledge.

Now, we of course are not the writers or producers of the show, but if you want to hear our take on Smokey and what we think it is, Shannon's Bikini scene, Eko dying, whether we think Christian Shepard is alive or not, want to know our favorite character or episode or ANYTHING else.....then please post a question via comment or email me at:


Those that are into spoilers, feel free to ask a question as well, because we are planning on doing a spoiler podcast. Of course, we can not guarantee any thing new, but we will do our best to answer your questions...!!

So please post or email away.

Thanks for stopping by and namaste.

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