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ODI LOSTcast 22 - Ryan and Jen from The Transmission

Hey All,
How is your weekend going!?

Well this has been an exciting week of LOST news!! First, we find out that LOST will return earlier than expected on January 21st and then we find that we will get 3 hours of LOST that night which includes a one hour recap show followed by the first two episodes of the season starting at 9PM. Yup, if you check your calendars, that means LOST will be moving back to Wednesday nights at 9pm!!

Of course for all the spoiler lovers out there, we have continued to post various spoilers including several set reports and photos.

Well speaking of set photos, last week Karen and I recorded the latest episode of the ODI LOST podcast, where we were joined by fellow podcasters Ryan and Jen from The Transmission!! Ryan is the man behind several of the set reports and photos that we have been posting and their podcast is one of the original fan podcasts for LOST!!

This is a really fun podcast, where we discuss the new Season 5 promo, the news of some of the episode titles that have been released and of course some of the spoilers and set reports. In addition to all the LOST information we chat with them about what it is like to be fans living in Hawaii and be so close to the action.

We posted the podcast on iTunes a couple of days ago, but for those that do not have iTunes or some how missed it, below is the podcast in an audio player and a download link.

Enjoy and thanks for stopping by!! Namaste.

NOTE: Beware of potential spoilers, but don't worry we give plenty of warning before we discuss any spoilers.

ODI LOSTcast 22 - Ryan and Jen from The Transmission

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