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ODI LOSTcast 30 - Epi 5x05 Recap and Epi 5x06 Preview

Hey All,
Wow what another great episode of LOST! Episode 5x05 This Place is Death was an amazing episode and many of you out there feel it was definitely the best episode this season and even on DarkUFO's episode rankings it is near the top of the list for best episode of all-time.

Of course this episode brought us several great moments to discuss, Rousseau's team being attacked by Smokey, the Left-Behinders flashing through time while searching for The Orchid, Charlotte's death, another appearance by Christian Shepard and of course what happened off-island at the marina and then the church.

As always after our thoughts and recap of the episode we provide you all with a preview for this week's episode and finish with a little spoilers round-up.

The podcast was available on iTunes earlier today, but for those that can not access it there, below is the audio in a player and a download link.

NOTE: The preview with spoilers begins at the 67 minute mark.

Hope you all enjoy!!

ODI LOST Podcast 30 - Epi 5x05 Recap and Epi 5x06 Preview

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