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Hey All, If you are a spoiler fan, then you will know that many of us have joked, hoped, and wished that one of these days we might see Ben's Annie appear again.
Well here is a little interview with Madeline Carroll who played Annie and she says that she thinks she will return, but has no idea if she will or not.
Enjoy! Q: I understand you were discovered when you were only 4 years old, would you tell us the story? Madeline: "When I was younger, I did some modeling and when I was 4 1/2, I was in a nail shop and this lady came up to me and was like, 'Oh, you're so cute! Come by my office.' So, I went to her office and did a little monologue for her. She said I was really good and she ended up being my agent."
Q: Do you go to school?
Madeline: "I am home schooled as of right now, but I'm hopefully going back to public school because I really don't like home school."
Q: Do your friends treat you differently because of the acting?
Madeline: "No, definitely not. They're all my best friends and they know my personality and they like my movies and stuff. They've been my best friends for so long, they don't treat me differently."
Q: Is acting something you want to do when you get older?
Madeline: "It's definitely something I want to do. I want to do it for as long as I can. I love acting. Whatever god's plan is for me, that's what I'll do."
Q: What profession would you want to pursue other than acting?
Madeline: "I'd like to go work with animals. I love dolphins, so I'd love to be able to work with them everyday."
Q: You've had guest starring roles on some of television's hottest shows, which was your favorite?
Madeline: "Lost. I got to go to Hawaii for that role and I got to swim with the dolphins there. The cast is great, they were just so nice."
Q: You're guest starring on an upcoming episode of Lie to Me, tell us a little about your role.
Madeline: "It was so much fun -- I get kidnapped!"
Q: You and actor Sterling Beaumon have appeared on a few projects together, will we see the two of you together again?
Madeline: "I'm not sure, maybe hopefully in the future. Maybe we'll be on Lost again."
Q: You played Annie on Lost, any plans to return to the show?
Madeline: "I have plans, but I don't know if they have plans. I think Annie is a really important character, so I think they'll bring her back."
Q: Did TPTB at Lost tell you much about the origins of your character?
Madeline: "They were SO secretive. We were on the beach one day and they called to say they had to drop off the revised script and my mom told them they could leave it at the front desk at the hotel because we were on the beach. They asked where on the beach we were, and they found us on the beach."
Q: What projects do you have in the works?
Madeline: "This year, I have coming out Astroboy, a movie with Jackie Chan called The Spy Next Door, where he plays my future step dad. I'm going to film a movie called Hope's Wish, it's a true story about a girl with cancer and I play Hope. I got to meet her family, it's just so upsetting because she died when she was my age. Her birthday was March 4, so I called the family and left a message. It's got to be so hard, losing your daughter and not being able to celebrate her birthday."
Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Madeline: "Hopefully, I'll have all sorts of projects. I hope I win an award. I want to use the money I make over the years to help others all over the world. There's this organization called Zoe International and they go out to the Philippines and Thailand to rescue children who are sold into child slavery. I think it's really important to find a home for those children and touch their lives. People take things for granted all the time - right now, I'm on the freeway in Los Angeles and there are children getting beaten and abused, who don't get to eat everyday. I think that's really sad and people, even if it's a small amount of money, could touch someone's life."
Q: Favorite Music?
Madeline: "Christian rap and all the new songs on the radio like the Jonas Brothers."
Q: Favorite TV Show?
Madeline: "iCarly and Grey's Anatomy."
Q: Favorite Movie?
Madeline: "Titanic and A River Runs Through it."
Q: Have you read the Twilight books?
Madeline: "Yes I did. I read the first one and I had to stop reading them for a while because they were so addictive. I'm on the second one right now."
Q: MySpace or Facebook?
Madeline: "Neither."
Q: Anything to say to the fans?
Madeline: "I think you should follow your dreams. In my career, I've gone through a lot of devastation, you've got to get yourself up and dust yourself off. God has blessed me so much. You need to keep trying and do what your want to do."
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