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Season 6 and Comic Con Latest Speculation

Hey All,
Last week E! Online had a chance to speak with both Michael Emerson and LOST writer Damon Lindelof about Season 6 and some plans for Comic Con.

Well once again nothing spoilery was revealed at all, but Emerson was asked about his thoughts about Ben's crush on Juliet considering she might have blown herself up. Emerson speculated that he thinks that Ben has no room for romance in his life at the moment. He also confirmed working with Elizabeth Mitchell is awesome.

Lindelof was solid as a rock not leaking anything about Season 6, but when asked if he could have Josh Holloway (Sawyer) appear at Comic Con, he did say it was a good idea and that he would love to have him be there.

So are you going to Comic Con this year?? If so, we will be there as well so please contact us and we can provide you with details on meeting up!! (Email: mrtheodi@gmail.com)

Don't forget to check out @ComicConLive on Twitter for live updates from ComicCon via Twitter. There will be a Live Comic Con page here and on DarkUFO as well.

So Josh fan are you excited at the possibility of him appearing at CC this year!?!?

You can read the full details here: E! Online