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TV: Explained LOST iPhone App Contest Winners!!

**UPDATED** 8/3 1:40PM PST - Tina B and Lisa: you have until Wednesday to reply to the winner's email to receive your code, otherwise two additional winners will be announced.

Hey All,
Earlier today our TV: Explained iPhone App Giveaway contest ended and we can now announce the winners who were selected randomly.

Congratulations to the winners and you all will be getting a confirmation email. Once you get the confirmation email, please email us back (mrtheodi@gmail.com) to get your iPhone App code.

Once again thank you to all of you who entered the contest. Please keep your eyes open for future contests!

The winners are....

1) Tina B. (@warp65) - CONFIRMED
2) Lisa (@nnaasil)- CONFIRMED

3) Dina (@dinaj) - CONFIRMED
4) CJ Sonic (@cjsonic) - CONFIRMED
5) Lyly Ford (@lylyford) - CONTACTED
6) Determined Observer (@IcnObserve) - CONFIRMED
7) Brian S. (@semnutz) - CONFIRMED
8) Michael (@atlscgrad) - CONFIRMED
9) Nick D. (@abracadabraca) - CONFIRMED
10) Keagan W. (@Sicknight0125) - CONFIRMED