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Radzinsky to Play Skrzynski in Kevorkian Biopic

LOST Actor and Dharma Member Eric Lange who played the infamous Radzinsky has just been cast to play the role of the lawyer who took down Dr. Jack Kevorkian in the HBO Biopic "You Don't Know Jack".

Who plays Kevorkian you ask? None other than superstar Al Pacino! Also cast in the movie are Susan Sarandon and John Goodman.

I am happy for Lange who I felt did a wonderful job as Radzinsky even though man fans hated his character for being such an ass to the Losties. The really big kick is that his character's name in the movie is Skrzynski!

No Losties it is not an Easter Egg! :)

You can see more info about the movie here: You Don't Know Jack on IMDB