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One Fan's Experience Meeting Damon Lindelof

Outside of how AWESOME the LOST community is and all the people I have met, the writers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are truly two amazing and down to earth guys. They are super cool, nice and approachable.

Here is another example of what I am talking about. Paul who runs the LOST Blog Room 23 had an opportunity to meet one on one with Damon Lindelof at Earth2Comics where Damon made an appearance yesterday.

Here is a small portion of Paul's experience and details about the TWO LOST related questions he asked him. The first tidbit was about Libby's storyline and the other was whether there would be a LOST Encyclopedia release after the show ended.

NOTE: There are some MINOR spoilers about Libby below.

Enjoy and thanks to Paul for sending this over!

One Fan's Experience Meeting with Damon Lindelof at Earth2Comics

As I mentioned before I was the first one to be able to visit with him, I say visit, because rather then this being a rush you through sign the book type of thing, we were allowed to hang out with him and talk for a few minutes. I told him how much I loved Lost and he asked me if the Flame was my favorite station since I had "The Flame" patch on my Jumpsuit and I told him yes. I then gave him a copy on my new Lost sketchbook and a set of Lost Trading cards. (which I'm working on a Room 23 store to sell these things) He liked my Richard design and said that he recognized my Hurley drawing from Google and asked me for my business card, which I gave him a Room 23 and personal Portfolio one and he also made a point to ask me for my e-mail. (What for I'm not sure) But it was cool that someone that I admire and admire his work liked mine and wanted my contact info. He also told me that he recognized Room 23.

I told him that I knew that he was probably sick of getting this question and that he had said that Libby's story was over. So I asked him what was originally planned for Libby's story before she got killed. He repeated whats been said before about hold Cyntha Watros didn't have interest in returning and that they didn't want to tell her story unless they could do it in the right way. But that hes hearing very faint rumblings that she might be starting to change her mind. Which would fit with a spoiler that I've been hearing lately. But he promised me that if by the end of the series they never got to Libby's story on the show that I could hunt him down and that he would answer my question definitively.

Then I brought up about how J.K. Rowling had mentioned eventually doing a Harry Potter Encyclopedia and asked if Lost would ever do a DK book or Encyclopedia. He told me that just between you, me and the comic book store (and he said this knowing that I run Room 23) that they did have plans for a possible Lost authoritative book with a release a few years after the show ended with show bibles included as part of the book!

He signed my book with this message. "Paul, Here's to the Flame! Thanks for your massive fandom!" Damon Lindelof

Read the full report at Room 23 here:
