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FALSE: Evangenline Lilly Pregnant!?

UPDATE: 12/28 12PM PST As most of you suspected this indeed was a part of the Spanish April Fool's Joke via Lostzilla.net, sorry to any of you who stressed out a bit, but it was all in good fun. Hope you all have a Happy New Year!

Hey All,
There seems to be some rumor floating around the internet that Evangeline Lilly might be pregnant. Now I know this really has nothing to with LOST except how far along she is?

Currently LOST Filming is on break and they were filming episode 6x10 last we heard.

So no need to panic if she is pregnant because many shows have been able to work around pregnancies before.

However, some inside sources have said the writers seem to be concerned about Kate's future on the show, and one even mentioned that they have started considering the possibility of writing her off the final part of the season!? There are no confirmations or denials from Lilly, Carlton Cuse or Damon Lindelof.

Thanks to the Spanish site Lostzilla.net

Since this is a breaking story we hope to have more info later.