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NBC Challenges ABC's LOST Premiere with Biggest Loser

Adding to the busy Tuesday night schedule along with ABC's LOST Season 6 Premiere and FOX's American Idol, is NBC's Biggest Loser.

Here is the full story:

NBC is dropping "The Jay Leno Show" next Tuesday to put its two-hour "The Biggest Loser" against the two-hour premiere of ABC's "Lost."

At 8 p.m., NBC will air a "Loser" repeat, which gives some extra breathing room for Fox's "American Idol." The aggressive scheduling move is a bit unusual for NBC ... but then again, the network doesn't have that many hits to be aggressive with. (If "Idol" is the industry's Death Star, "Biggest Loser" is like a squadron of irate TIE Fighters).

NBC's move may have an impact on "Lost" ... but then again, ABC has found that it doesn't matter what show the network pairs airs next to "Lost," the show's audience tends to be an island -- ahem -- of viewership. In other words: I'm not sure how many "Lost" fans are going to be shaken off the final season return by any other show.

Source: THR