Welcome to The ODI

The ODI is your #1 Source for TV and Movie Spoilers, News, Previews and More!!

The site is being updated daily. If you think you have a scoop, then please click on the following button or to browse the site use the drop down menu to select a subject.

Happy LOST Premiere Day!!

Wow we made it!!

Another hiatus ends tonight and before the season starts I want to thank my good friends DarkUFO and B3rt4 for keeping eye on the site when I sleep or am away, Karen and Vozzek for doing the weekly podcasts, all our our contacts and sources that provide us with scoops and EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU that visit the site on a regular basis!

With out all of you, the site would never be what it is today! I started off as just any other fan on the forums (over at MySpace) and I am just truly honored to be a part of this whole adventure and ride.

Let's make Season 6 the best ever!

We will have our weekly recap podcasts, Anna is back with her Weekly Recaps that will be here and on her site FourToedFoot.com, Vozzek will have his recaps at DarkUFO and of course Karen will have her weekly notes at her site Karen's LOST Notebook.