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ODI LOSTcast 59 - Episode 6x09 Recap and Theories

Hey All,
What a crazy and fun week! This week's Episode 6x09 Ab Aeterno was filled with all sorts of awesomeness!

Of course some of you know after last week's episode I had a moment to chat with Damon Lindelof and in that podcast I mentioned we had scheduled EW's Jeff Jensen again. However, because of some technical recording issues we had to reschedule and if all works out ok, he will join us later this week.

However, we were still able to get a guest to join us and it was fellow LOST blogger Jo from Jopionionated. Jo not only has her own blog, but also announced just today she is now officially writing for AOL TV! So congratulations to her!

Jo joined us for the first time and learned very quickly about some of the crazy thoughts and theories we have on the podcast. We did chat with her about her experiences writing about LOST, visiting the set of Fringe and V and of course we all recapped the wonderful moments in Ab Aeterno, such as Richard's crazy laugh, his love Isabella, the interaction of Richard with both the MiB and Jacob, the reveals of the Black Rock smashing into the 4-Toed Foot and much more!

We also seemed to really get stuck on the possibility that Jacob and MiB are one in the same person and perhaps have a split personality. Think we are crazy?? Well listen to the podcast to find out HOW crazy!

This podcast was posted to iTunes earlier, but below is an audio player and download link for you all to enjoy!

ODI LOSTcast 59 - Episode 6x09 Ab Aeterno Recap and Theories

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