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Seoul, South Korea Oceanic Airlines Billboard Found!!

Finally, the last Oceanic Airlines Billboard has been found!!

Yup, the BB in Seoul, South Korea was actually found at a taxi stand and not as a BB on a highway like in the other cities, but at least it has been found and we have the image.

Thanks to FoxySmile for sending me the images and translation. Plus, even more thanks to Dr. Jack from the Korean Lost Forum for grabbing the pics.

To see the BBs that have been found click here: Oceanic Airlines BB Recap

I'm really excited that some people on Korean Lost forum found the Oceaninc Airlines BB in Seoul!

These pics are taken by Dr.Jack from Korean Lost forum. It's on a taxi stop on Gwanghwamun street...

I'm a little disappointed that it's not a billboard like the ones in other cities, but still it's a BB in Seoul ;)

The first sentence on the Seoul BB is the same as the one on the LA BB, 'The adventure begins here'.

But the second sentence, 'Your ultimate destination', is translated in Korean as 'You (have) arrived at your ultimate destination'... I don't know that it really means something or it is just some the wrong translation.