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Cuse Now Confirms Final 3 Episodes of S4 Will be Added to S5

Here is another quote by Carlton Cuse Producer/Writer of LOST on ABC about the 5 additional episodes and stating the balance of the 3 episodes will be rolled into Season 5.

I think the key to the quote is about "accelerating" the storyline. I trust the LOST writers, but I just hate to see the show potentially be affected because they had to "accelerate" a plot point to fit it into the TV Schedule. I guess it all depends on what "accelerate" means.

If it means getting rid of some "fluff" to get to the point quicker, then so be it.

Thanks to FredieMac for the heads up.

"we're looking at trying to make five more" episodes beyond the eight already completed, says executive producer Carlton Cuse. The original plan was to film 16, but the remaining three will be rolled into next season. Cuse says writers will "accelerate our storytelling" to get to the end point they had already mapped out for this season. "It's a little bit like driving cross country to Boston. If the goal is to get there two days earlier, we will have to take more interstates and fewer rural byways."

USA Today