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Extra Hour is Official - LOST Gets 3 Hour Finale!!

So as rumored a few days earlier, LOST producers were negotiating an extra hour of Season 4 of LOST and today thanks to Kristin at E! Online we have the word that the additional hour is now official!!

So we will be getting a 3 hour finale split into 2 episodes!! However, there is one catch and it is not that bad of a sacrifice for us fans to get that extra hour. The firts hour (part) of the finale will be on May 15th as planned, but the final two hours and finale part 2 will air on May 29th (Initially Scheduled for May 22nd).

So this is what the revised schedule should look like NOW:

Updated Season 4 Schedule:

Episode 9 (Apr. 24th)
Episode 10 (May 1st)
Episode 11 (May 8th)
Episode 12 (May 15th) - Finale Part 1
NO EPISODE May 22nd to Accommodate Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy (2hr) Finales
Episode 13/14 (May 29th) - Finale Parts 2 and 3

Of course this is a MAJOR move by the LOST producers and ABC just for the fans, because the extra hour and finale two hours of the season will air AFTER huge TV Ratings Sweeps period. According to Kristin's source, once ABC saw Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse's plan for the finale they knew the change had to be made.

Yes, yes I know ABC would not make this move unless they could make money off of it still, but this is a amazing and it is the right thing to do. Thanks Darlton and ABC!!!

So once again mark your calendars again!!

Here are the details from E! Online and thanks to Lyly for the heads up!!

It's official: Sources confirm to me exclusively that Steve McPherson has signed off on Lost's extra-special 14th hour this season, which means Lost is getting a three-hour finale! The first hour airs May 15, the second and third hours will air May 29. (In between, on Thursday, May 22, Ugly Betty has an hour finale and Grey's Anatomy airs a two-hour season finale of its own.)

Word is that there are so many big reveals that the producers wanted to deliver this season, that they felt like anything less than a full three-hour finale would have cheated the fans. In fact, I'm hearing that writers' draft of the second half of the finale was 80 pages long, which led all parties involved to realize these stories had to be told now. Anything else would be a ripoff.

So, ABC made it happen, with the help of Shonda Rhimes and Grey's Anatomy, who agreed to a two-hour finale on May 22. And bless McPherson and friends for taking the risk of letting the Lost finale air on May 29—that's after the end of the critical ratings sweeps period. If you're a Lost fan, but don't usually watch Grey's you might consider doing Team Alphabet a solid and just tuning your TV to their channel for the GA finale that night!

Needless to say, this news rocks. Post your excitement below.

Source: E!Online