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LOST Season 4 International Promo from Spain

Hey All,

I know we have many International LOST fans and many of you from great spanish sites like Lostzilla and LOST-Perdidos, so hopefully you all will like this new International promo for Season 4 of LOST that is broadcast in Spanish.

It features everyones favorite hunter Locke (Terry O'Quinn) speaking Spanish and saying "Perdidos!!"

Enjoy and namaste.

Here is the English Translation for the Clip:

-Everything happens to them.
-Each season is better than the last one.
- The episode ends and you don't notice.
-It grips you from the beginning.
-Its the definitive show.
-Jack is a fighter...
-Hes not as good as he seems.
-Locke oes freely.
-He knows everything.
-He is the key.
-I like Sawyer.
-You likes Sawyer
-I like him joking everybody.
-They make a good couple.(Kate & Sawyer on screen)
-Survival looks great on them.Kate & Jack on screen)
-It breaks the mold
-They are marked by his destiny

Lost, Lost, Lost, Lost(Terry)

Source: LOST-Perdidos