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ODI LOSTcast 14 Part 1 - 4x12 Finale Part 1 Recap
Posted by
on Sunday, May 18, 2008

How are you all doing this week!? This week's episode of LOST, was the first part of the Season 4 finale. This episode was a solid episode and provided us with the perfect setup into the two hour Part 2 of the finale which will air on May 29th at a special time at 9PM.
This week we bring you a special Season Finale Edition of the ODI LOST Podcast. Why is it special!? Well first of all we usually release both parts of the podcast at the same time, but this week will not release the second part of the podcast for another 24-36 hours. Why the delay in the second part, well this week we will cover BOTH minor AND major spoilers for the second part of the finale.
The major spoilers will be a complete review of the DarkUFO Finale Synopsis. If you like spoilers you can find more details at the following link:
ODI LOSTcast 14 Part 2 - Season Finale Special Spoilers Edition
Now for all of you that do not like spoilers Part 1 does contain our weekly episode recap and analysis of all the key points. We talk about the Three Stooges (Ben, Locke and Hurley) on the way to The Orchid, Sawyer and Jack being the heroes, Sayid and Kate meeting Richard Alpert and the other Others in the jungle, Daniel helping to get some of the LOSTIES including Sun, Jin and Aaron to the freighter, mention Desmond finding the freighter rigged with tons of C4 explosives and all of the Oceanic 6 flash forward scenes.
So as always, do not forget the podcast is available on iTunes and you can subscribe to the podcast there. You can alsways subscribe to the site or podcast directly on the website. Just click on "subscribe" on the right side of the website.
Well here is the audio for those that want to listen to the podcast here and below the embedded audio player you will also find a download link:.
Well we hope you enjoy the podcast. Namaste.
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ODI LOSTcast 14 Part 1 - 4x12 Finale Part 1 Recap
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ODI LOSTcast 14 Part 1 - 4x12 Finale Part 1 Recap