Welcome to The ODI

The ODI is your #1 Source for TV and Movie Spoilers, News, Previews and More!!

The site is being updated daily. If you think you have a scoop, then please click on the following button or to browse the site use the drop down menu to select a subject.

Subscribing and Following All the LOST and Heroes News

So one of the main questions I am always asked besides what does "ODI" stand for is, since I am posting about soooo many things in various places...

"How can I keep track of what you are posting and WHERE!?"

Well the easiest way is to just visit each page of the website everyday, allday!! LOL

Of course I know many of you do not have the luxury to visit the site multiple times a day, so here are a few tips.

Now since I am quite focused on building the site, the easiest way is to make sure you subscribe to the specific page you want to here on the site.

So if you just want LOST news, then subscribe to this main the front page.

If you like LOST Spoilers, then click on the LOST Spoilers tab and subscribe there.

If you want the latest Heroes News and Spoilers, then click on the Heroes tab and just subscribe there.

How do you subscribe!? Wellll it is quite easy...on the top right of each page there is a little form in the side bar to enter your email address and once you enter it there you will get daily email alerts of the posts for that page.

BTW....yes you need to subscribe to EACH page if you want ALL of the information.

Now for those that still do not know there is a Movies Tab on the site which takes you to SpoilerTV's Movies page and I am one of the main bloggers there along with DarkUFO. There is a similar "Subscribe" tab there as well.

However, there is even another and NEW way to follow what I am posting. Now I am not too sure how many of you know about Twitter, I know some of you out there are familiar with it, but if you are OOL...ummm Out of the Loop, Twitter is one of the latest trends. It is a ummm "micro blog" and a way MANY people can update instantly what they are up to via mini posts.

You post via the Twitter page or via Text message and whoever is "Following" you or your friends, then can view each of these mini posts. So the one way for bloggers to spread the word about their posts or as many of you out there call it.... "Whore" is to post the title and link to what ever they have posted.

I do NOT twitter each post, but I do post mini updates on what I am doing and any MAJOR post about LOST or Heroes I will link there and of course I will link to the movie news as well.

It is a great tool, so try it out and click on the link to Twitter and Follow me!! :)

Thanks for reading and feel free to ask me any questions you have...