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New DarkUFO and The ODI Interview!!

Hey All,
Both Dark and I were interviewed yesterday by the site Muche Dumbre.

It is a great write and and a fun read!!

Here is a little snippet:

Who have you met through your site? Whether that be a new significant other, new best friend, a member of the show or a member from another popular show.

“I’ve met literally 100’s of great people through the site and have built some great friendships. The ODI who I work with daily on the site has been a fantastic addition to the site and he also helps me run SpoilerTV which was an offshoot of Lost site and covers spoilers for all other major US shows.”

One of those friends, The Odi, who has his own site TheODI.com, has this to say about Andy..

“Andy is a great guy and more!! We have built an amazing friendship just doing this online. He has been super supportive and helpful with me building my site and we help each other. Yes he is totally laid back and easy going. I think that is partly why we get along so well. I owe a lot to him”

You can view the FULL article here: Muche Dumbre