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ODI LOSTcast 40 Epi 5x12 Recap and 5x13 Preview

Hey All,
First of all, HAPPY LOST DAY!!

Second, sorry for the delay this week and thanks to all of you that sent in emails/mssgs/Tweets wondering what happened!? Well with Easter this past weekend, we had to record the podcast after the weekend and then the hosting site for the podcast had to act up. I appreciate all of you that have been patiently waiting for the podcast.

Like they say better late than never, so finally the podcast is up and loaded!! Once again we had Vozzek69, LOST Recapper from DarkUFO join us again to recap and discuss all the great moments in Episode 5x12 Dead is Dead. We discuss Ben's dynamic with Locke, why Locke seemed different, Widmore's appearances, of course Smokey judging Ben and much more!!

As always there is a preview segment that will cover tidbits for tonight's episode and the latest spoilers.

The podcast is available on iTunes or via the audio player and download links below.

NOTE: The preview/spoilers segment begins at the 99 Min mark this week.

ODI LOSTcast 40 Epi 5x12 Recap and 5x13 Preview

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