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ODI LOSTcast 43 - Episode 5x15 Recap and Finale Preview

Hey All,
Happy LOST Finale Day!!

As always, I want to thank all of you for being patient for waiting for the podcast. Yesterday, after all the editing was completed we were having some issues with the hosting site, so it caused even more of a delay!!

The good news is, you get another super-sized version of the podcast with over 2 hours of Karen, Vozzek69 (Danny) and myself providing you all with our thoughts and theories about Episode 5x15 Follow the Leader.

There were so many things to chat about and we discussed all of the key moments in both the 1977 and 2007 time lines. There were so many important scenes there are too many to even list!!

There is a small preview of tonight's finale after the recap and I rehash some of the various spoilers.

With the two hour finale tonight, we will most likely have two podcasts to cover it all next week, so do not forget to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or the website and you will not miss any of the podcasts. Also, we will continue the podcast through the hiatus and subscribing is the best way to stay up to speed.

The podcast is available on iTunes, but if you can not access it there, here is a link to the audio player and a download link.

Hope you all enjoy!!

NOTE: This week the preview/spoilers section being as the 136 minute mark this week.

ODI LOSTcast 43 - Episode 5x15 Recap and Finale Preview

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