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Evangeline Lilly says LOST is Beyond Her

Evangeline Lilly has said that she would never be able to pen a show like Lost.

The actress, who has starred as the show's Kate Austen since the start of the series, told Stylist that she will pursue writing after the end of Lost's sixth and final season.

Lilly said: "Writing is my first passion. I can't stop it. I write all the time so I want to either publish something I have written or sell a film script."

When asked if she will write something like Lost, she replied: "Never in a million years! I am so not a sci-fi nut or buff in any way and this show is so beyond me, I couldn't fathom a show like this.

"But I'll write anything. If one day a TV series comes into my head and that is what I want to write, I'll write it. It just depends what story is in my brain at the time."

Earlier this year, Lilly's agent denied reports that the actress would leave the show before its conclusion next year.

Source: Digital Spy