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What is Lost? Prize Competition
Posted by
on Wednesday, October 21, 2009

If you do enter, we'd love for you to let us know your entry in the comments here as well.
The Promotion website www.twitter.com/whatislost (“Website”) contains full details of the prizes available and any restrictions or important information. Any changes which are required to be made to these Promotion Rules will be uploaded to the Website.
The Promotion is open to legal residents of the UK & Ireland only, aged 18 years or over, excluding employees or agents of the Promoter, Twitter.com or anyone else professionally connected to the Promotion and/or their immediate family. The Promoter reserves the right to verify eligibility.
To enter entrants must either register on www.twitter.com or sign into their Twitter account and then send their answer in no more than 140 characters as instructed, for example:
“Lost is the most cryptic TV show around, where plane crash victims have to live together on an island and figure out the mystery of it”.
Only one entry per person is allowed. The use of multiple identities, email addresses and Twitter accounts is not permitted. Only entries made via the Website will be accepted. Any use of automated or programmed methods of entry online is also prohibited.
No purchase is necessary to enter the Promotion.
First Prize: holiday vouchers from Lastminute.com to the value of £1,500 (“Vouchers”).
Runners Up Prize: Lost Season 5 on DVD for each of the 10 Runners Up.
Complete Details/Rules Here