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LOST Repeats Return but Before New Episodes (UPDATED)

UPDATE: For those that were still skeptical, Carlton Cuse has now confirmed also that there is NO BREAK for the Olympics via his Twitter acct

The new ABC Media Calendar for February is out and it reveals that ABC will be repeating the previous week's episode before every new episode!

So when Episode 6x03 airs, Episode 6x02 (second hour of premiere) will air at 8PM and so on!

So if you want to catch up or missed something or the episode itself you can watch it at 8PM before the new episode at 9PM.

The calendar ALSO confirms no break for the Olympics. We knew that already but just in case any of you still had doubts it is official no break for now.

I assume this is the schedule and plan for the whole season, but ABC has changed things up before.

NOTE: Do not forget tonight is the repeat airing of the Season 5 finale.

Thanks to our friends at Lostzilla for the heads up

MINOR SPOILER WARNING Episode Titles Are Revealed on Screencaps