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Episode 6x01/02/03 - ODI LOSTometer Episode Rating

Hey All,
So for awhile now I have been wanting to come up with some sort of rating system where fellow bloggers, podcasters, and media members could rate an episode of LOST and then come up with an average grade so you all could see what we thought.

So I contacted a few fellow LOST bloggers and friends and several were very happy to be a part of it. In order to include the fans voice in the rating, I have taken two fan polls (DarkUFO and LOST-Forum) and given the episode a grade based on the average score in the polls.

Below is a breakdown of Grades from A+ to F from all of the fellow bloggers/media sites that have decided to participate. Several others have been sent emails and we will add their grades to the charts as they are submitted. We then take an average grade and that is the final LOSTometer Avg Grade.

If this is something you all like then we will do this weekly and I think it is a cool way for everyone to get a quick overview of what we all think.

Do you agree/disagree with some of the grades? Let us know below!

Thanks to all of the people that are participating and you can find them on their sites via the following links below where many of of them do recaps that provide some great insight.

NOTE: Some of the members participating sent in some comments and will add those soon.

DarkUFO | b3rt4 | Karen's LOST Notebook | Vozzek | Jeff Jensen - EW | Ryan McGee - Zap2it | Peter - SlashFilm | Herc - AICN | FourToedFoot | DocArzt | MisterPayne | SL-LOST | Jopinionated | Sawyer840 | LOSTzilla | LOST-Media | LOST-Forum

(Click to Enlarge)