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Kimmel's Spoof on LOST's Enhanced Episodes

Hey Losties,
In the spirit of April Fool's Day, I posted a FAKE LOST spoiler (some might say I should be used to it by now lol) in the spoilers section of the site today, claiming that Kate goes crazy and kills both Jack and Sawyer, thus eliminating the LOST love triangle forever!!

Well for those of you that fell for it....APRIL FOOL'S DAY!!!

For those of you that are not spoiler lovers and want to still read the post, here is the direct link. Don't worry it is spoiler free!!

Episode 4x12 - Kate Goes Crazy!?

Also, since it is April 1st how about a little LOST Enhanced Episode via the mind of late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel.

This is too good, enjoy and namaste.