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Episode 4x10 - Additional Promotional Pictures

Hey Losties,
This past week's episode of LOST Season 4 Episode 10 (Something Nice Back Home) featured a creepy scene with Christian Shepard (John Terry) appearing to Claire (Emilie De Ravin) while holding Aaron and then ended with a dramatic scene with Sawyer (Josh Holloway) finding baby Aaron all by himself.

Well typically promotional pictures for episodes are released 2-3 weeks in advance and we usually post them in the spoilers section of the site, but it seems like ABC had some additional ones that they just released after this episode aired and it makes sense why they released them now. They are images from the scenes I discussed above.

Well here is a direct link to the previous promotional pictures for Episode 4x10 and the newly released images. Notice the one with Claire standing next to CS while he is holding Aaron. Looks like a potential deleted scene..!?

Click Here to View More Promo Pics for Episode 4x10

Thanks to Sawyer840.

Images Copyright: ABC