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The ODI is your #1 Source for TV and Movie Spoilers, News, Previews and More!!
The site is being updated daily. If you think you have a scoop, then please click on the following button or to browse the site use the drop down menu to select a subject.
The site is being updated daily. If you think you have a scoop, then please click on the following button or to browse the site use the drop down menu to select a subject.
Exclusive Memberships to the New DarkUFO/SpoilerTV Forums!!
**UPDATED** May15th 2PM PST: All has gone well and Dark has gone through several more phases to add members. It is getting close to 1K members, so if you want in we have several more exclusive spots open to us, so just email me.
Hey All,
As many of you know by now, my love for LOST has led to this site and without all of you and some of my key friends online, the tremendous growth would not be there. One of those very good friends is DarkUFO.
Dark has been a great friend and has been a strong supporter of The ODI since the start of the site at the beginning of this year. Of course most of you know me from my MySpace blog or from the MySpace and Lost-Forum forums, but this site has opened several new doors to growth and we are getting 1000s of views daily now on the front page and in the spoilers section. I really appreciate everyone that helped the site reach this point.
Now I know some of you fear the dreaded 8/9 month hiatus, but we were able to get through it last time and this time we are a little more prepared and have SEVERAL things planned for all of you...!! One of those "things" starts now....
Now on to the good news!! One thing I have always wanted to add to the site eventually was a forum, of course, a forum takes a tremendous amount of time and resources to run and moderate. Well, our good friend Dark has also wanted to add a forum to his site as well. Of course his site is much much bigger than mine and he has many more resources at his fingertips. So when he mentioned that he was in the process of starting DarkUFO/SpoilerTV forum, I was behind him 120%!!
Today, Dark is officially beginning Phase 1 of his new forum and it will be live and wide open to the public very soon (perhaps a week or two). Over the last month we have been beta-testing the forums and it looks great!!
However, in the meantime so that the start of the forum goes smoothly, Dark is allowing only 300 people in for Phase 1. I know many of you fear spoilers, but this is NOT just a spoilers forum, the forum has both a Spoiler-Free AND a Spoilers area and it will be for ALL shows, not just LOST. There is a movies area, a fan art section and an Off-Topic/BS area for those that just want to hang out and meet new people!! Plus much more!!
Well guess what!? The FIRST 50 ODI readers that email me will ALSO get exclusive access to the new forums!! That is right!! So if you want to join the forum now and want a chance to reserve your very own unique user name now, then email me at: mrtheodi@gmail.com
Like I said the first 50 get in now, so email me immediately and use the subject "DarkUFO/SpoilerTV Forum Access". These spots will be used up quick!!
If you miss out on phase 1, don't worry if all goes well, the forum will be opened up to everyone soon.
As always thanks for stopping by and namaste.
Hey All,
As many of you know by now, my love for LOST has led to this site and without all of you and some of my key friends online, the tremendous growth would not be there. One of those very good friends is DarkUFO.
Dark has been a great friend and has been a strong supporter of The ODI since the start of the site at the beginning of this year. Of course most of you know me from my MySpace blog or from the MySpace and Lost-Forum forums, but this site has opened several new doors to growth and we are getting 1000s of views daily now on the front page and in the spoilers section. I really appreciate everyone that helped the site reach this point.
Now I know some of you fear the dreaded 8/9 month hiatus, but we were able to get through it last time and this time we are a little more prepared and have SEVERAL things planned for all of you...!! One of those "things" starts now....
Now on to the good news!! One thing I have always wanted to add to the site eventually was a forum, of course, a forum takes a tremendous amount of time and resources to run and moderate. Well, our good friend Dark has also wanted to add a forum to his site as well. Of course his site is much much bigger than mine and he has many more resources at his fingertips. So when he mentioned that he was in the process of starting DarkUFO/SpoilerTV forum, I was behind him 120%!!

However, in the meantime so that the start of the forum goes smoothly, Dark is allowing only 300 people in for Phase 1. I know many of you fear spoilers, but this is NOT just a spoilers forum, the forum has both a Spoiler-Free AND a Spoilers area and it will be for ALL shows, not just LOST. There is a movies area, a fan art section and an Off-Topic/BS area for those that just want to hang out and meet new people!! Plus much more!!
Well guess what!? The FIRST 50 ODI readers that email me will ALSO get exclusive access to the new forums!! That is right!! So if you want to join the forum now and want a chance to reserve your very own unique user name now, then email me at: mrtheodi@gmail.com
Like I said the first 50 get in now, so email me immediately and use the subject "DarkUFO/SpoilerTV Forum Access". These spots will be used up quick!!
If you miss out on phase 1, don't worry if all goes well, the forum will be opened up to everyone soon.
As always thanks for stopping by and namaste.