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DarkUFO Interview on Mister Payne Podcast

Hey All,
How is it going!?

Well today we have a special treat for you. As most of you know DarkUFO (Andy) is a very busy guy and hardly does interviews because he is usually just too busy.

Well earlier this week an interview with Lostpedia was posted, but today you get to listen to Dark for the first time in an audio interview!! Yup, that is right Dark has finally come out of the basement and we all finally get to listen to his great Brit accent!!

Dark did an interview with our good friend Mister Payne who has a podcast that covers many things including LOST.

It is good interview so sit back, relax and listen.

NOTE: There are some spoilers towards the end of the clip but there is ample warning before they start.

You can find the audio at Mister Payne's site or Dark's site at the following link:

DarkUFO Interview on Mister Payne Podcast

Also, if you are missing my voice, don't worry I recorded a little intro for Dark with Payne and also recorded a little commercial for our Celebrity Photos Site, so you will get to hear me there.

Plus, I promise if all goes well a new ODI LOSTcast will be up soon and it will be with my new surprise co-host, which I hear many are dying to figure out who it is.

In the meantime please head over to our iTunes page for our previous Podcasts and subscribe or leave some feedback.