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LOST Reference in Nintendo DS Game

Hey Losties,
We have seen several references to LOST in all parts of pop culture, including other TV Shows, Movies and Video Games.

Today, we received a message that in a Nintendo DS Game called Rayman: Raving Rabbids and in one of the levels there is a part where you will see Dharma Symbols in the background. Also, they actually look like they might have the White Rabbit symbol for The Looking Glass station or some sort of bear.

I am not sure if this is new, but I have not seen it any where before, so here you go!

Thanks to MD1500 for the info!!

In the Nintendo DS version of the Ubisoft game "Rayman: Raving Rabbids TV
Party", one of the Cult Movies minigames, "Musical Shells", features a
desert island theme. The crates shown in the background are clearly marked
with the DHARMA symbol and possibly (?) theWhite Rabbit station logo.

I took a picture of the screen with my digital camera (see attachment.)