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The ODI is your #1 Source for TV and Movie Spoilers, News, Previews and More!!

The site is being updated daily. If you think you have a scoop, then please click on the following button or to browse the site use the drop down menu to select a subject.

Let Your Opinions be Heard! Post Comments!!

Hey All,
One of the main reasons why I have my site is not only because I love doing this but also because of the discussions and theories all of you out there have.

All of the posts are for all of you out there, so please do not be shy and let your opinions be heard. Please leave comments about the post, discuss the topic or even leave feedback for me.

There is NO way for me to know what you guys like reading about unless there is some discussion or feedback. If you leave comments I will be able to see what you all enjoy and will be able to post accordingly, making it a better site for all!!

You do NOT have to sign up for any account and it does not cost to let your theories and opinions be heard. Also ANON users are now able to post or you can even just pick a name without signing up.

Please use the drop down menu in each comment form. Check out the screencap below.