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ODI LOSTcast 33 - Epi 5x08 Recap with Vozzek69

Hey All,
Happy LOST Repeat Day!!

Yes I know it does not have the same effect, but hey at least LOST is on right!? Well either way, here is this week's recap podcast for Episode 5x08 LaFleur. This week we are joined by DarkUFO Recapper Vozzek69!!

We had a great time with Vozzek and we discussed several key points including the Four-Toed Foot Statue, the Evolution of Sawyer, the 3 years that passed, Sawyer and Juliet's romance and much more.

Now since we have a repeat this week, you will get TWO podcasts and the next podcast will be our Mid-Season Thoughts and Spoilers Podcast with special guest DarkUFO himself!!

We will be recording Dark's segment in approximately 12 hours after this post so if you have ANY questions about season 5 or for him please leave a comment here or email them to: mrtheodi@gmail.com

Also, a special thanks to another fan/reader of both The ODI and DarkUFO known as Thirty-Fiver who has joined our team to help out with some of the audio editing for the podcast. So I hope this week the podcast sounds a little better and we will keep doing our best to provide you with the best quality as possible.

BTW this podcast is SPOILER-FREE and was just posted on iTunes. For those that can not access it there please use the audio player or download link below.

Hope you all enjoy!!

NOTE: If you enjoyed Vozzek's thoughts you can find his recaps on DarkUFO

ODI LOSTcast 33 - Epi 5x08 Recap with Vozzek69

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