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ODI LOST Podcast 2 -- Episode 4x01 Recap and 4x02 Preview

Hey All,
Well I hope everyone had a great week and I know most of you loved last week's Season 4 Premiere of LOST...!!

What a great episode. I know many of us have been discussing the episode and theorizing away and it was such a good episode that the new podcast is mainly filled with a recap of the premiere covering some of the several key points of Episode 4x01 The Beginning of the End.

The Hurley Flashforward had so many key moments that we had to make the podcast much longer than we expected, but there is still tons of great stuff to listen to and it is a great way to catch up on any thing you might of missed.

Each clip is about 10 minutes long so can listen to them in little spurts. We discuss the whole episode from beginning to end the on-island happenings and the FF so I hope you all enjoy it.

Plus, we also give you all a little preview of the upcoming episode.

NOTE: For all of you spoilers haters, the preview contains several little spoilers and that is in Clip 7.

Well I was able to get a new mic and I hope the sound quality is much better.

Once again if you have any questions or thoughts feel free to leave a comment here or send us an email:

ODI: MrTheODI@gmail.com
Ronald: TheSpoilerHunter@gmail.com

Enjoy and namaste.

NOTE: Clips 4 and 5 some how got switched during the upload.

Download Links: ODI Podcast 2- Clips 1-7
Previous Podcasts: ODI LOST Podcasts