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ODI LOSTcast 35 - S5 Thoughts and Theories with DarkUFO

Hey All,
With the one week break most of you know we decided to record a special bonus podcast with our good friend and LOST blogger DarkUFO.

It went so well that we had to break up the podcast into two parts. Part 2 actually was the spoilers segment and we decided to release it first a few day ago.

So if you are looking for the spoilers podcast check out the following link:

ODI LOST Podcast 34 - S5 Spoilers Round-Up with DarkUFO

Now during the spoiler-free portion of the podcast we chatted with Dark quite a bit. The podcast has three main segments, with the first part having us talk about the sites in general, what it takes to run the site, the time, the effort and so on. He did answer some fan questions in this segment.

The second segment is the Season 5 first half recap and we provide you with our thoughts and theories about the first 8 episodes of the season. The third and final segment is where Dark answers some more of your questions.

It is a much longer podcast than usual, but Dark hardly gets time to do these things so we wanted to make sure we got to hear his thoughts and ask many of your questions.

This podcast was posted to iTunes last night but in case you missed it there or can not access iTunes, below are an audio player along with a download link.

BTW if you are looking for our Episode 5x08 LaFleur Recap Podcast, we had special gues Vozzek69 (LOST Recapper) join us and it was posted last week. You can find it at the following link:

ODI LOST Podcast 33 - Episode 5x08 Recap with Vozzek

Hope you all enjoy!!

ODI LOSTcast 35 - S5 Thoughts and Theories with DarkUFO

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